Square Enix to Aggressively Expand into Multiplatform Development

Square Enix to Aggressively Expand into Multiplatform Development

Square Enix is undertaking a strategic overhaul in response to a challenging financial period, which saw the company's profits decline despite a small increase in sales. As part of a new medium-term business plan titled 'Square Enix Reboots and Awakens: 3 Years of Foundation-Laying for Long-Term Growth,' the company is set to aggressively target multiplatform releases across Nintendo, PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms. This shift indicates a move away from exclusive deals, such as those previously held with PlayStation, towards a broader distribution strategy aimed at maximizing customer reach.

The company has emphasized a focus on quality over quantity, planning to concentrate on major franchises and AAA titles, and exploring its rich IP library for new and existing intellectual properties. This change in strategy includes a commitment to developing games that appeal to a wider audience, as well as investing in in-house game development. With a significant operating loss reported in its HD games segment, Square Enix is also set to prioritize the development of titles that offer unique experiences to gamers.

To facilitate this strategic shift, Square Enix has earmarked a substantial budget for strategic investments and a share buyback program. The company is also looking forward to the release of major titles such as expansions for MMO Final Fantasy 14 and Final Fantasy 17, with an eye on stabilizing profits and expanding its user base. The plan reflects a balance between maintaining shareholder value and investing in growth, with a keen focus on enhancing productivity and diversifying earnings opportunities.
