Kristi Noem's Book Details Killing Her 'Worthless' Dog and Goat

loading Kristi Noem's Book Details Killing Her 'Worthless' Dog and Goat

In her forthcoming memoir, "No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong With Politics and How We Move America Forward," South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem shares a controversial personal story involving the killing of her family dog, Cricket, and a goat. The book details the circumstances that led her to decide that Cricket, a 14-month-old female wirehair pointer with an aggressive nature, was "untrainable" and "dangerous." Noem describes the animal as less than ideal for hunting and a threat to other animals, which led to her decision to end its life.

Noem also recounts the similarly aggressive behavior of a male goat she owned, which had not been castrated and had attacked the family's chickens. Both the dog and the goat were put down in a gravel pit, a method that Noem witnessed. The story has drawn attention and mixed reactions, particularly as Noem is considered a potential running mate for presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. The inclusion of this narrative in her memoir is presented as an example of her willingness to undertake difficult and unpleasant tasks. The book is scheduled for release in the United States next month.


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