BlockTower Capital Targeted in Multi-Million Dollar Crypto Hack

BlockTower Capital Targeted in Multi-Million Dollar Crypto Hack

BlockTower Capital, a significant player in the cryptocurrency hedge fund space with assets under management worth $1.7 billion, has suffered a cyberattack resulting in a partial loss of funds from its main hedge fund. Despite ongoing efforts, the stolen funds have not been recovered, and the perpetrators remain at large. The firm has taken measures to address the breach, including engaging blockchain forensics analysts to investigate the theft and notifying its key partners and limited partners of the incident.

This cybersecurity breach at BlockTower Capital is not an isolated event in the company's history. In 2023, BlockTower faced a loss of approximately $1 million in TRU tokens due to a security breach on the Dexibel decentralized exchange platform. Moreover, the firm had to shut down its "market-neutral" crypto fund in the same year due to a lack of viable investment opportunities. The firm's previous experiences with setbacks also include a $1.5 million hack on the decentralized exchange aggregator Dexible and the winding down of a $150 million venture capital fund acquisition of rival Gamma Point Capital.

The crypto industry as a whole has been grappling with security issues, with an increase in hacking attempts observed in recent years. Even with a reported 23% reduction in the total value stolen by hackers and scams in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, the number of hacking attempts rose from 219 to 231 in 2022, indicating an ongoing threat to digital assets. The recent hack at BlockTower Capital serves as a stark reminder of the persistent vulnerabilities within the decentralized finance sector and the critical need for robust security measures.


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