Vince McMahon Resigns from TKO Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Vince McMahon Resigns from TKO Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Vince McMahon has stepped down from his role as executive chairman of the board of TKO Group, amid allegations of sexual misconduct. A lawsuit filed by former WWE employee Janel Grant alleges that McMahon subjected her to sexual assault, trafficking, and emotional abuse. Grant contends that McMahon coerced her into a sexual relationship, distributed explicit photos and videos of her without consent, and compelled her to engage in a threesome.

The lawsuit further claims that McMahon agreed to pay Grant $3 million for her silence regarding these incidents. An internal investigation by WWE's board into McMahon's conduct uncovered that he had made payments totaling approximately $14.6 million over a period from 2006 to 2022 to suppress allegations of misconduct with multiple women. These allegations are currently under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice. McMahon's resignation follows these revelations and ongoing legal scrutiny.


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