US Retaliates Against Iran-Backed Groups in Iraq After Drone Injures Troops

US Retaliates Against Iran-Backed Groups in Iraq After Drone Injures Troops

The United States has carried out airstrikes on facilities used by the Iran-backed militia group Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq. These strikes were a response to a drone attack near Erbil, which resulted in injuries to three U.S. service members, with one in critical condition. The U.S. Central Command indicated that the airstrikes aimed to disrupt and deter further attacks by these militia groups on U.S. personnel and interests in the region.

The targeted facilities were linked to unmanned aerial drone activities and the attacks conducted by Kataib Hezbollah and other affiliated groups. The Pentagon highlighted that there had been 66 attacks by Iranian proxies since October 17, with 32 in Iraq and 34 in Syria. The U.S. has also updated its rules of engagement with these militias and revised its policies concerning international relations to counter their influence. President Joe Biden was briefed immediately following the Christmas Day drone attack and directed the retaliatory strikes, which the U.S. Central Command believes have likely resulted in several militia casualties, while no civilian deaths have been reported.
