University of Florida Dismisses DEI Staff Following New State Legislation

University of Florida Dismisses DEI Staff Following New State Legislation

The University of Florida has taken steps to discontinue its Office of the Chief Diversity Officer and eliminate all positions and administrative appointments related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). This move comes in response to a state law that prohibits the use of state or federal funds for DEI programs in public universities. As a result, the university has also terminated contracts with external vendors that provided DEI-related services.

In alignment with the new legislation, the university is reallocating approximately $5 million, previously dedicated to DEI initiatives, to a faculty recruitment fund under the administration of the Office of The Provost. Governor Ron DeSantis has expressed support for the changes, emphasizing Florida's position against DEI initiatives. The university's action follows statewide regulations that mandate the use of bathrooms and changing facilities according to biological sex at birth, implemented by the Florida Board of Governors.

This development is part of a broader trend in the United States, with around 40 anti-DEI bills introduced across various states. In Florida, DEI programs have been defined by the Board of Education as those that categorize individuals by race or sex for differential or preferential treatment. The elimination of DEI positions at the University of Florida marks a significant change in the state's approach to diversity and inclusion in education, with Governor DeSantis encouraging other states to consider similar measures.


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