Trump Secures Asset Protection with $175M Bond Amid NY Fraud Appeal

Trump Secures Asset Protection with $175M Bond Amid NY Fraud Appeal

Donald Trump has secured a $175 million bond through Knight Specialty Insurance Company, allowing him to appeal a civil fraud judgment without the immediate risk of asset seizure. The bond was issued after an appellate court in New York reduced the originally ordered $454 million penalty, providing Trump with relief from the potential seizure of his assets by state authorities. The reduced bond serves as a financial safeguard, ensuring that if the appeal fails, the judgment can be satisfied. The case, brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, accuses Trump and his associates of inflating the value of his assets to secure favorable loan terms.

The bond postpones any collection on the more than $454 million owed by Trump until the appellate division of the state courts hears the case in September. If the appeal is successful, Trump will be spared from paying the state and can reclaim the bond amount. The decision to lower the bond came after Trump's legal team argued that covering the full amount was practically impossible. The bond amount reflects a compromise, ensuring the appeals process can proceed while also addressing the state's interest in securing potential judgment funds.


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