Tinder's AI Now Chooses Your Most Attractive Profile Photos

Tinder's AI Now Chooses Your Most Attractive Profile Photos

Tinder has launched a new AI-powered tool called Photo Selector, designed to help users choose better photos for their dating profiles. The feature, which has been in testing since August of last year, scans a user's camera roll and uses AI algorithms to select the most attractive photos based on criteria such as lighting and composition. It is available to US customers this month and will roll out globally during the summer.

To use Photo Selector, users need to take a selfie within Tinder and grant the app access to their camera roll. The AI processes the images on-device and does not upload the entire camera roll to Tinder's systems. According to Tinder CEO Faye Iosotaluno, the feature aims to assist users in decision-making rather than making decisions for them, streamlining the process of creating a dating profile by eliminating the need to sift through numerous photos.


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