Texas and AG Paxton Challenge Biden's Title IX Expansion on Transgender Rights

Texas and AG Paxton Challenge Biden's Title IX Expansion on Transgender Rights

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, in partnership with America First Legal, has initiated legal action against the Biden Administration over revisions to Title IX regulations. The changes in question redefine the term "sex" to encompass gender identity, extending protections against sex-based harassment to LGBTQ+ and pregnant students within educational institutions.

Paxton contends that the updated Title IX rules not only alter the original purpose of the law but also threaten the safety and privacy of women and girls by requiring schools to allow transgender women—individuals assigned male at birth who identify as female—access to female-only spaces and programs. He argues that this mandate violates existing federal law and the Constitution, and if schools fail to comply, they risk losing federal funding.

The Biden Administration's adjustments to Title IX are a response to a 2020 Supreme Court ruling, which determined that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, prohibiting employment discrimination, applies to gay and transgender workers. The lawsuit reflects a broader national debate, with Paxton joining a number of Republican officials across the country in challenging the extension of these protections.


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