Texas AG Paxton Warns Bexar and Harris Counties Over Voter Registration Mailings

Texas AG Paxton Warns Bexar and Harris Counties Over Voter Registration Mailings

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has issued a warning to the Bexar and Harris County Commissioners Courts regarding their proposed plans to mail voter registration forms to unverified recipients. Paxton argues that these initiatives could lead to ineligible individuals, including felons and noncitizens, attempting to register to vote, which is a violation of state law. The counties are considering using taxpayer funds to contract third-party vendors for printing and distributing the forms.

Paxton contends that Texas counties lack statutory authority to distribute state voter registration documents and views the proposals as unlawful and reckless. He has indicated that if Bexar County approves the measure, his office will file a lawsuit to enforce Texas law. Similar action will be taken against Harris County if it proceeds with a comparable plan. This warning comes in the context of broader concerns about election integrity and recent efforts by the Biden-Harris Administration to address immigration issues.


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