Tacoma Marijuana Store Hit by Homemade Bomb Attack

Tacoma Marijuana Store Hit by Homemade Bomb Attack

Tacoma Police are currently investigating a series of attacks on a local cannabis shop, Craft Cannabis, owned by James Bean. The most recent incident involved an "improvised explosive device" and a Molotov cocktail, which were used in an attempt to damage the establishment. Surveillance footage captured a suspect dropping the homemade explosive device outside the shop and throwing the Molotov cocktail. The incident comes after the shop had previously had its advertising banner stolen multiple times and received threatening phone calls.

James Bean, who also owns three other cannabis stores in Wenatchee and Vancouver, believes the attacks may be connected to a discount advertised by his Tacoma store, which offers Craft Cannabis products at a 35 percent discount. He suggests that this pricing strategy may not have been well received by competitors in the local cannabis industry. To encourage public assistance in the investigation, Bean is offering a $10,000 cash reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the individual or individuals responsible.

Tacoma Police and Detective Muse are taking the allegations seriously, considering the possibility that the suspect or suspects could be from within the cannabis industry itself. While investigating, the police are also contemplating whether the incidents at Craft Cannabis are related to other similar occurrences targeting pot shops in the region. As the investigation continues, authorities are looking into all leads to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.


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