Super Tuesday Shapes Congressional Control as Polls Close

Super Tuesday Shapes Congressional Control as Polls Close

California's open primary system is under scrutiny as it plays a pivotal role in determining control of the U.S. House of Representatives, where Republicans currently hold a narrow three-seat majority. Among the closely watched races is the contest in the 27th District, where incumbent Republican Rep. Mike Garcia faces competition from Democrat George Whitesides. Additionally, the 29th District, with the retirement of Rep. Tony Cárdenas, has become one of the most competitive partisan House races in the country.

Super Tuesday has concluded with primaries across five states, including California, Texas, North Carolina, Alabama, and Arkansas. In North Carolina, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson is expected to secure the Republican primary, while Attorney General Josh Stein has significant support among Democrats. Texas has seen early voter turnout at 10% of registered voters, a slight decrease from the 2020 elections. Democrats there are choosing a candidate to challenge Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, while Republican voters are considering their stance on state House members who opposed Gov. Greg Abbott on school choice legislation.

In the broader national context, Super Tuesday has set the stage for the presidential primary race, with Joe Biden and Donald Trump expected to extend their leads for their respective party nominations. Trump is anticipated to dominate the Republican primaries across 15 states, while Biden's position strengthens following his win in Iowa. More than one-third of Republican delegates and over 70% needed for nomination are up for grabs, marking a significant step towards the general election.

Republican primary voters have consistently identified immigration and the economy as their top concerns. These issues have eclipsed others such as abortion and foreign policy across states where exit polls were conducted, reflecting a national trend among the electorate. The emphasis on these issues highlights the priorities Republican voters are seeking in their candidates, which include alignment with their values and the right temperament to address these concerns.


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