Rep. Jamaal Bowman Apologizes for Past 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Rep. Jamaal Bowman Apologizes for Past 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Representative Jamaal Bowman, who currently serves New York's 16th District, has expressed regret for previously promoting conspiracy theories about the September 11 attacks on a personal blog during his tenure as a middle school principal. The blog, which was deleted before February 2016 but is still accessible via the Internet Archive, contained posts in which Bowman shared skepticism about the terrorist attacks. In particular, a 137-line free verse poem titled "Recapitulate" questioned the narrative of the events of 9/11.

The Daily Beast's investigation into Bowman's past writings revealed his association with various conspiracy theories, including those suggesting a controlled demolition was responsible for the collapse of Building 7 and alluding to a globalist bankers' control of the Federal Reserve. Responding to the findings, Bowman disavowed the theories he once posted, clarifying that his record as an elected official demonstrates that he does not subscribe to those views. He emphasized his commitment to combatting misinformation and harmful conspiracy theories.

Moreover, Bowman's name recently made headlines in 2023 for his actions on Capitol Hill, where he was involved in an incident pulling a Capitol fire alarm before a vote on a government funding bill. Despite this, he has been a notable figure in Congress since joining in 2021, and as a member of the progressive "Squad," he has taken a stance on various political issues, including criticism of Israel's military operations against Hamas. His office has been involved in a discrepancy with the Office of Congressional Ethics regarding the fire alarm incident, where evidence obtained contradicted Bowman's claim of accidental activation.


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