Putin Names Patrushev and Dyumin as Presidential Aides

Putin Names Patrushev and Dyumin as Presidential Aides

In a recent reshuffle of the Russian government, President Vladimir Putin has made several appointments to his administration. Nikolai Patrushev, previously the Secretary of the Security Council and a long-standing ally of Putin, has been appointed as a Kremlin aide. Alongside him, Alexei Dyumin, a former bodyguard for Putin and the governor of the Tula region, has also been made an aide.

Putin has also promoted his economic adviser, Maxim Oreshkin, to the role of deputy chief of staff. This shift in roles has not affected the positions of Anton Vaino, Alexei Gromov, and Sergei Kiriyenko, who remain as first deputy chiefs of staff, nor that of Dmitry Peskov, who continues as the press secretary.

The reshuffle comes after Putin dismissed Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, appointing Andrei Belousov, an economist with no prior military service, as his replacement. These changes in the administration occur against the backdrop of Russia's ongoing military offensive in Ukraine.


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