Protesters Disrupt Live Colbert-Pelosi Interview Outside DNC

Protesters Disrupt Live Colbert-Pelosi Interview Outside DNC

During a live taping of "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" following the Democratic National Convention, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's interview was interrupted by protestors. Pelosi was discussing her new book, "The Art of Power," and U.S. foreign policy when a protester in the audience began shouting. Colbert addressed the interruption, stating that the show would return to the topic of Israel and Palestine after a commercial break.

Pelosi, during the disrupted segment, praised President Joe Biden's foreign policy and emphasized that the United States should not supply arms for conflict in Gaza. Colbert remained composed, assuring the audience that the issues raised by the protesters would be addressed. The protest continued outside the venue, with chants and drumming, leading to about 70 arrests. Despite the interruptions, the show proceeded with discussions on American power and its implications abroad.


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