Pro-Palestine Protesters Scale Roof of Australia's Parliament House

Pro-Palestine Protesters Scale Roof of Australia's Parliament House

Pro-Palestinian protesters scaled the roof of Australia's Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday, unfurling banners including one that read "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." The phrase is often used in pro-Palestinian demonstrations and is considered by some to be anti-Semitic. The protesters, who wore dark clothing and covered their faces with keffiyehs, accused the Albanese government of complicity in genocide and criticized Australia's involvement in past wars such as Vietnam and Afghanistan.

The protest took place on the final day of federal parliament before a five-week break. Australian Federal Police responded to the incident, but no arrests were made. Opposition Senate leader Simon Birmingham expressed concern over the demonstration. The protest comes amid heightened domestic tensions regarding the Middle East conflict and has no apparent link to the recent suspension of Senator Fatima Payman.


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