Pro-China Party Secures Landslide Victory in Maldives Elections

Pro-China Party Secures Landslide Victory in Maldives Elections

In a significant political development, the People's National Congress (PNC), led by Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu, has achieved a decisive victory in the country's parliamentary elections. The PNC has secured 66 of the 86 seats declared thus far, effectively garnering a supermajority in the 93-member legislative body known as the Majlis. The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), which previously held a dominant position with 65 seats, saw a substantial reduction in its parliamentary presence, winning just 12 seats.

This electoral outcome is expected to influence the Maldives' foreign policy direction, potentially reinforcing President Muizzu's pro-China stance. The president, who assumed office in October, has expressed intentions to diminish India's influence in the Maldives in favor of strengthening ties with Beijing. The shift could impact the strategic balance in the region, as the Maldives is an island nation strategically located in the Indian Ocean and is among the countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, such as sea-level rise.


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