Oprah Winfrey Leaves Weight Watchers Amid Conflict

Oprah Winfrey Leaves Weight Watchers Amid Conflict

Oprah Winfrey has stepped down from the board of Weight Watchers, now known as WW, ahead of her upcoming television special examining the rise of prescription weight loss drugs. Her departure from WW, where she has been involved since 2015, is to prevent a conflict of interest with the content of the special, which will delve into the use and implications of weight-control medications. Winfrey, who has been a notable figure in discussions about weight and health, donated her shares in the company to the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Her new primetime special, 'An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution,' set to air on ABC, marks her return to a significant television event after a three-year hiatus. In this program, Winfrey will explore the complex issues surrounding the use of weight loss drugs, a subject she describes as personally significant. The special promises to address the broader implications of these medications on society's views of body image and weight management.


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