NYC Firefighter Dies After Termination for Migrant Fund Leaves Family Bereft

NYC Firefighter Dies After Termination for Migrant Fund Leaves Family Bereft

Derek Floyd, a 36-year-old former firefighter with the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), passed away from a heart attack after his termination from the department amidst city budget cuts. The cuts, aimed at reducing the FDNY budget by $74 million by 2025, were implemented to reallocate funds towards the city's migrant crisis. Floyd, who had been on "long-term duty" due to a previous heart attack, was one of approximately ten employees dismissed as part of these efforts. His firing occurred shortly before he would have been eligible for additional medical benefits and a $600,000 death benefit for his family.

The decision to terminate Floyd's employment has led to significant financial and emotional strain for his widow, Cristine Floyd, and their two young children. The loss of income and death benefits has left the family in a precarious financial situation, prompting criticism from both the public and firefighter associations. Uniformed Firefighter Association President Andrew Ansbro has expressed disapproval of the termination, calling it unnecessary. Fire Commissioner Laura Kavanagh is reportedly looking into financial, legal, and legislative options to support the Floyd family.


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