NYC Couple Sued by Squatters Over $930K Investment Home Dispute

NYC Couple Sued by Squatters Over $930K Investment Home Dispute

A couple from Queens, New York, Denis and Juliya, have been entangled in a legal battle with individuals who have allegedly squatted in their investment property, which they had renovated with an investment of over half a million dollars. The squatters, identified as Lance Hunt Jr. and Rondie L. Francis, are claiming they had legally leased the property and are suing the homeowners after being asked to vacate. The homeowners discovered the occupation when their real estate agent noticed the locks had been changed. Despite police intervention and changing the locks back, the legal dispute has escalated, with the alleged squatters' attorney, Dennis Harris, initiating a lawsuit against the couple, their realtor, and the real estate company.

An emergency lockout hearing was conducted at Queens County Civil Court on March 22, where the homeowners' attorney, Rizpah Morrow, called for a trial on the grounds that the squatters' actions were unlawful. The judge warned that proceeding with a trial could complicate the case. This incident is indicative of a larger trend in New York City where property owners face challenges due to laws that some perceive as overly permissive towards squatters.

The legal costs for the homeowners are mounting, with over $4,000 spent in fighting the lawsuit, which is only part of the broader issue of unauthorized property occupation in the city. The case, with the next court date set for April 5, underscores the complexities surrounding property rights and tenant protections in urban areas.


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