NY District Attorney Dodges Speeding Stop, Challenges Police Chief Afterward

loading NY District Attorney Dodges Speeding Stop, Challenges Police Chief Afterward

Sandra Doorley, the District Attorney for Monroe County in Upstate New York, encountered legal trouble when she was caught speeding at 55 mph in a 35 mph zone on Phillips Road in Webster. Rather than stopping when initially signaled by Webster Police Officer Cameron Crisafulli, Doorley chose to drive to her home. Upon arrival, she contacted Webster Police Chief Dennis Kohlmeier to complain about the officer's pursuit. Officer Crisafulli followed Doorley to her residence, where a tense exchange occurred, captured on bodycam footage.

During the encounter, Doorley was informed that failing to stop when directed by an officer constitutes an "arrestable offense." Doorley expressed she did not see the point in stopping as she was near her home and thought it more convenient to address the matter there. Despite her initial refusal to comply with the traffic stop, Doorley later accepted a speeding ticket and pleaded guilty to the charge in municipal court. She insisted that she had not intended to use her position to influence the situation. The public release of the bodycam footage has prompted discussions regarding the conduct of public officials and the appropriate use of authority in personal circumstances.


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