New Workplace Regulation Proposed to Combat Excessive Heat

New Workplace Regulation Proposed to Combat Excessive Heat

The Biden administration has proposed a new rule aimed at addressing excessive heat in the workplace, potentially protecting an estimated 36 million U.S. workers from heat-related injuries. This would be the first major federal safety standard of its kind, requiring employers to identify heat hazards, develop emergency response plans, and provide training for employees and supervisors on recognizing the signs and symptoms of heat illness.

Penalties for heat-related violations in workplaces would increase significantly, aligning with those issued for Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rule violations. The Labor Department has been working on developing a standard for managing workplace heat since 2021. If finalized, the rule would supersede existing state measures, mandating that states with their own regulations adopt standards that are at least as stringent as the new federal rule.


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