Nevada Wildlife Officials Warn Henderson Community After Coyote Attacks

Nevada Wildlife Officials Warn Henderson Community After Coyote Attacks

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) has issued a warning following two coyote attacks in Henderson. The incidents took place on July 7 and July 12 near Pittman Wash, close to Green Valley Parkway. In both cases, women were bitten on the lower leg and required medical treatment for puncture wounds. The NDOW is investigating these incidents, which they believe may be linked to protective behavior related to coyote denning sites.

Residents and visitors in the area are advised to exercise increased caution. The NDOW recommends making oneself appear large, making loud noises, and throwing objects to deter coyotes without escalating the situation. Pet owners are urged to keep their dogs on a leash and under control while walking on trails. The department also advises against feeding coyotes, as it can lead to problematic behavior.


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