NASA Balloon Over Colorado Gathers Crucial Data

NASA Balloon Over Colorado Gathers Crucial Data

A high-altitude balloon identified as a Stratollite, developed by World View Enterprises, was observed floating over Northern Colorado, including the Denver area. This balloon is carrying a NASA payload designed to measure solar radiation in the stratosphere. Named the Gryphon Stratolite, it operates at altitudes between 45,000 and 75,000 feet and is powered by helium gas and solar arrays. The balloon's mission includes gathering data to improve aviation safety and conducting earth science research.

World View Enterprises, a space exploration and technology company, stated that the Stratollite can monitor various environmental variables such as wildfires, storm systems, and greenhouse gases. The current mission is focused on collecting real-time radiation data to enhance an automated system that monitors the natural galactic and solar radiation environment at commercial aviation flight levels. The Boulder County Sheriff's Department confirmed that the balloon does not pose any safety concerns to the public.


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