Majority of Israelis Want Netanyahu to Retire from Politics

Majority of Israelis Want Netanyahu to Retire from Politics

A recent poll by Channel 12 indicates that 66% of Israelis believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should retire and not seek a seventh term in office. Only 27% of respondents support his re-election bid. The sentiment for Netanyahu's retirement is particularly strong outside his traditional right-religious bloc, where only 37% support his continued political career. Among voters within his bloc, 53% still favor his re-election.

The survey also highlights significant public support for a state commission of inquiry to investigate the failures surrounding the October 7 Hamas infiltration, with 85% of respondents in favor. Netanyahu's handling of the military draft bill, the Gaza conflict, and captive-for-ceasefire negotiations has drawn criticism from various quarters, including members of his own coalition and the opposition. Despite the mounting pressure and international condemnation, there are currently no imminent prospects for early elections in Israel.


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