Lifestyle Changes Can Help Alleviate Alzheimer's Symptoms

Lifestyle Changes Can Help Alleviate Alzheimer's Symptoms

Recent research has demonstrated that lifestyle changes can significantly stabilize or improve Alzheimer's symptoms in individuals at high risk. A study published in the journal Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy found that approximately 71% of participants who adhered to a regimen of healthy eating, regular exercise, and stress management saw their symptoms stabilize or improve without the need for medication. Participants reported notable improvements in cognitive function and daily activities, such as reading and managing finances.

In the first randomized controlled clinical trial of its kind, presented in the European Heart Journal, researchers studied 51 participants with mild cognitive impairment or early Alzheimer's disease. They were divided into two groups: one receiving intensive lifestyle interventions and the other receiving usual care without lifestyle changes. Over a five-month period, the intervention group showed significant improvements in cognitive function and less disease progression compared to the control group, where most participants experienced a decline.

The study, led by Dr. Dean Ornish of the University of California, San Francisco, involved a comprehensive program incorporating diet, exercise, stress reduction, and social interaction. The findings revealed a dose-response correlation between the extent of lifestyle changes and improvements in cognitive measures. These results suggest that lifestyle modifications could play a crucial role in managing early Alzheimer's disease, potentially offering an alternative to pharmacological treatments.


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