Jim Jordan Subpoenas Fulton DA Willis Over Whistleblower Claims

Jim Jordan Subpoenas Fulton DA Willis Over Whistleblower Claims

The House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), has issued a subpoena to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. The action follows allegations of misuse of federal grant funds by Willis’ office and claims that a whistleblower was fired after raising concerns about the potential misappropriation. The federal grant in question, amounting to $488,000, was designated for the establishment of a Center of Youth Empowerment and Gang Prevention aimed at assisting at-risk youths.

The subpoena demands that Willis provide all documents and communications concerning the receipt and use of federal funds by the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office. This includes funds from various Department of Justice programs such as the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Willis has not complied with previous requests for information, prompting the committee to take formal action.

This development is set against the backdrop of Willis' investigation into former President Donald Trump and 18 codefendants for racketeering and election interference in Georgia. One of the defendants has requested the disqualification of Willis and her lead investigator from the case, alleging a conflict of interest due to a purported romantic relationship. The subpoena and investigation by the House Judiciary Committee are separate from the ongoing case against Trump and are focused on the handling of federal funds by Willis’ office.


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