Japan Wins Battle to Eradicate Government Floppy Disks

Japan Wins Battle to Eradicate Government Floppy Disks

Japan's government has eliminated the use of floppy disks in all its systems, marking a significant step in modernizing its bureaucracy. The Digital Agency has revoked all 1,034 regulations governing their use, except for one environmental regulation related to vehicle recycling. Digital Minister Taro Kono, a strong advocate for eliminating outdated technology such as fax machines from government operations, declared this milestone on June 28.

Despite this achievement, Japan's digitalization efforts have encountered several challenges. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Digital Agency struggled with a failed contact-tracing app and the slow adoption of the government's My Number digital identification card. These issues highlight the complexities and hurdles in transitioning from analog to digital systems within the government's framework.


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