ISRO's Aditya-L1 Set for Key Orbit Insertion Maneuver

ISRO's Aditya-L1 Set for Key Orbit Insertion Maneuver

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is poised to execute a critical orbit insertion manoeuvre for its Aditya-L1 satellite, aiming to position the spacecraft at the L1 Lagrange Point, 1.5 million kilometers from Earth in the direction of the Sun. Scheduled for January 6, this manoeuvre is pivotal for the mission's objective to study solar phenomena, as the L1 point offers a stable location with an uninterrupted view of the Sun, enabling continuous observation of solar activities that influence space weather.

Aditya-L1's successful positioning at L1 is crucial, as any deviation could necessitate additional corrective actions due to the gravitational complexities of the region. ISRO's intricate propulsion system, which includes the 440 Newton Liquid Apogee Motor and a series of thrusters, will be activated to carry out this delicate operation. This manoeuvre is the culmination of a series of earth-bound adjustments since the spacecraft's launch on September 2, 2023, from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre. The mission is designed for a five-year duration and is expected to provide invaluable data on solar emissions, coronal mass ejections, and their potential impact on satellite communications and power grids.
