Iowa Utilities Board Greenlights Summit Carbon Pipeline Project

Iowa Utilities Board Greenlights Summit Carbon Pipeline Project

The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) has approved Summit Carbon Solutions' application to construct, operate, and maintain a hazardous liquid pipeline through 29 counties in Iowa. The 688-mile pipeline will transport liquefied carbon dioxide from ethanol plants in Iowa to a sequestration site in North Dakota. The board found that the project met the requirements of Iowa Code Chapter 479B and determined that the public benefits of the pipeline outweigh the costs, deeming it in the public convenience and necessity.

Before the permit is issued, Summit Carbon must meet several conditions, including obtaining a $100 million general liability insurance policy to cover any damages related to the construction, operation, and maintenance of the pipeline. Additionally, the company must secure approvals from regulatory bodies in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska. The board's decision also grants Summit the right to use eminent domain to acquire land from owners who are unwilling to sell access.

The decision follows a 34-month review process involving extensive testimony and documentation from various stakeholders, including landowners and climate advocates. Despite opposition, the IUB's unanimous decision allows the project to move forward, with Summit planning to begin construction in 2025 and commence operations in 2026.


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