Indian onion consignment of 1650 tonnes to arrive tonight

Indian onion consignment of 1650 tonnes to arrive tonight

Bangladesh is set to receive its first shipment of Indian onions tonight, as part of an effort to stabilize the local market. A total of 1,650 tonnes out of the planned 50,000 tonnes will be imported under a government-to-government arrangement. State Minister for Commerce Ahsanul Islam Titu confirmed that the onions will be retailed at Tk 40 per kilogram through the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh's Open Market Sale (OMS) in Dhaka and Chattogram. This measure comes after a spike in onion prices in the local market.

In addition to onions, the commerce ministry had also considered importing sugar; however, Titu indicated that current market supplies are adequate, and there is no immediate need for sugar imports from India. The importation process, especially for onions, aims to ensure availability and affordability of the commodity for consumers ahead of the Ramadan period, although initial plans for the imports faced some delays. The decision and details of the import and distribution strategy were disclosed during a task force meeting at the Commerce Ministry, focused on reviewing commodity prices and market conditions.


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