Ice Age Eyed Needles Mark Fashion's Dawn

Ice Age Eyed Needles Mark Fashion's Dawn

A team of researchers led by Dr. Ian Gilligan from the University of Sydney has suggested that eyed needles were a significant technological innovation used to adorn clothing for social and cultural purposes. This marks a notable shift from clothing being primarily for protection to also serving as an expression of identity. The earliest known eyed needles, which appeared approximately 40,000 years ago in Siberia, indicate the production of more complex, layered clothing and the addition of decorative elements like beads to garments.

The researchers argue that clothing initially evolved as a necessity for protection and comfort against external elements. However, the advent of eyed needles allowed clothing to also fulfill a social function, contributing to individual and cultural identity. This development enabled larger and more complex societies to form, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle and the overall prosperity of human communities. The findings highlight the dual role of clothing in human history as both a practical and social tool.


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