Hillcrest Better Buzz Workers Approve UFCW Union Membership

Hillcrest Better Buzz Workers Approve UFCW Union Membership

Employees at the Hillcrest location of Better Buzz Coffee in San Diego County have successfully voted to unionize, aligning with the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 135. The decision by the baristas, trainers, and shift supervisors was driven by the desire for better wages, more consistent scheduling, improved workplace safety, and additional benefits like healthcare and paid time off. This development follows discussions that began in January, and the current wages for baristas stand at $16.85 per hour, with the workers not qualifying for California's recent minimum wage increase for fast food workers due to Better Buzz having fewer than 60 locations.

The unionization effort is part of a growing movement among coffee shop employees in the region, with three Starbucks locations in San Diego having also unionized in the past year. The National Labor Relations Board announced the victory for Better Buzz United, the group of workers pushing for union representation. The union, UFCW Local 135, is now looking to extend its organizing efforts to other Better Buzz locations throughout the county. Contract negotiations with Better Buzz Coffee are expected to commence in the coming weeks.


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