Google's AI embroiled in controversies over ethical responses and political remarks

Google's AI embroiled in controversies over ethical responses and political remarks

Google's AI chatbot, Gemini, has come under scrutiny for its handling of various ethical and controversial questions posed by users and media outlets. When presented with a hypothetical scenario about misgendering Caitlyn Jenner to avert a nuclear catastrophe, Gemini described the situation as a "profound moral dilemma" and expressed that it was impossible to determine a definitive "right" answer. This reflects the complexity of ethical programming in artificial intelligence and its capacity to navigate sensitive social issues.

Moreover, Gemini has been criticized for its perceived failure to take a strong stance on topics such as paedophilia and for drawing an offensive comparison between Elon Musk and Adolf Hitler. The chatbot's responses have been labeled as inconsistent, especially when it declined to create a job advert for an oil and gas company and also refused to participate in the hypothetical sale of a goldfish. This inconsistency in the AI's ethical judgment raises questions about the system's reliability and programming.

In another contentious interaction, Gemini's comments regarding Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi drew the attention of the Indian government. The AI characterized some of Modi's policies as having been labeled fascist by certain experts. The Indian government has accused Google of breaching the nation's information technology laws and insists that the unreliability of AI platforms does not exempt them from legal compliance. Google has since acknowledged the incident and is reportedly taking steps to improve the system. This incident highlights the ongoing tension between technology firms and government regulation, particularly in contexts where content is perceived as politically sensitive or potentially "anti-Indian."


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