Google Plans Gemini AI Relaunch Amid 'Woke' Tech Issues

Google Plans Gemini AI Relaunch Amid 'Woke' Tech Issues

Google's Gemini AI, an image-generation software, has recently come under scrutiny for generating historically inaccurate images. Users reported that the AI produced unconventional depictions such as female NHL players, African-American Vikings, and an Asian woman in 1943 military attire instead of a Nazi-era German soldier. The criticism extended to the chatbot's responses, which included a reluctance to condemn pedophilia and odd comparisons involving public figures.

In response to these concerns, Google has temporarily taken the Gemini AI offline, with plans to relaunch it after re-evaluation. Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind, acknowledged that the tool was not performing as intended. Tech analyst Ben Thompson, among others, has pointed out that the issues may stem from Google's internal culture and the way the AI has been influenced to produce results. These challenges mirror those faced by other tech companies, including Meta and OpenAI/Microsoft, as they navigate the complexities of developing AI that aligns with diverse perspectives and historical accuracy.


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