France, Germany, UK Criticize Iran's Nuclear Advancements

France, Germany, UK Criticize Iran's Nuclear Advancements

France, Germany, and the UK have issued a joint statement condemning Iran's recent advancements in its nuclear enrichment programme. The statement follows a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) indicating that Iran has rapidly installed additional uranium-enriching centrifuges at its Fordow site and is setting up more at other locations. The IAEA also reported that Iran is enriching uranium to up to 60% purity, which is close to the 90% required for weapons-grade material, and possesses enough enriched material for several nuclear weapons if further enriched.

The three countries claim that Iran's actions undermine the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA) and exceed the deal's enrichment limits. They criticized Iran for its lack of cooperation with the IAEA and expressed concerns over the proliferation risks associated with Iran's increased nuclear capabilities. Despite Iran's assertions that its nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes, France, Germany, and the UK remain committed to a diplomatic solution to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. They also warned of potential new measures if Iran continues its nuclear advancements or transfers ballistic missiles to Russia.


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