Florida GOP Ousts Chair Ziegler Amid Sexual Assault Allegations

Florida GOP Ousts Chair Ziegler Amid Sexual Assault Allegations

The Florida Republican Party has voted to remove its Chairman, Christian Ziegler, amid a police investigation into a rape accusation made against him. The vote was carried out by about 200 members in a closed session, with the majority supporting the ouster. Ziegler, who did not attend the meeting, has acknowledged having a consensual sexual relationship with the accuser alongside his wife, Bridget Ziegler, but insists that no crime was committed.

The accuser, a woman who had previously engaged in a consensual relationship with the Zieglers, alleges that Christian Ziegler raped her at her apartment in October after she had tried to cancel their meeting. While the investigation continues, no criminal charges have been filed against Ziegler.

In the wake of the controversy, Evan Power, who was serving as the vice chair of the state GOP, has been elected to take over as the new chairman. Power's election has received the backing of prominent Florida conservatives, including Governor Ron DeSantis, Representative Matt Gaetz, and Senator Marco Rubio. Despite the absence of formal charges, the incident has led to broader discussions within the party regarding leadership and morality, with some officials arguing that the disclosed conduct in police reports undermines Ziegler's suitability to lead the party.


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