Extensive Effort Clears Tar Balls from Oregon and Washington Coasts

Extensive Effort Clears Tar Balls from Oregon and Washington Coasts

The Unified Command, comprising the U.S. Coast Guard, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, and the Washington Department of Ecology, has concluded a 20-day operation to clean up tar balls along the Oregon and southern Washington coasts. The effort involved over 100 personnel from various federal and state agencies and resulted in the removal of nearly 2,000 pounds of oily debris. The cleanup spanned more than 300 miles of coastline, with 36 miles specifically cleaned in both states.

Laboratory tests have identified the substance as petroleum-based, though the exact source of the oil remains unknown and under investigation. While all affected beaches have been cleaned, officials caution that some oily material might still be present in certain areas. The public is advised to avoid handling tar balls or oiled wildlife and to report sightings to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802. The Unified Command has expressed gratitude for the hard work and dedication of all responders involved in the operation.


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