EPA and Biden Administration Announce $4.3 Billion for Climate Projects

EPA and Biden Administration Announce $4.3 Billion for Climate Projects

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced the allocation of $4.3 billion in grants to 25 projects across 30 states aimed at reducing climate pollution. These projects will target key sectors including transportation, electric power, commercial and residential buildings, industry, agriculture, and waste and materials management. The funding is part of the 2022 climate law, which was passed by congressional Democrats and includes nearly $400 billion in spending and tax credits to foster clean energy expansion.

Significant grants include $396 million to Pennsylvania for reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions from cement, asphalt, and other materials. Additional allocations include nearly $250 million to enhance electric vehicle infrastructure along Interstate 95 from Maryland to Connecticut and $450 million to promote the adoption of cold-climate heat pumps and water heaters. Other notable grants include $307 million for "climate-smart" agriculture initiatives aimed at reducing agricultural waste from livestock. The EPA reviewed nearly 300 applications for funding, with the selected projects expected to significantly contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and beyond.


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