Dozens Detained as Police Dismantle Pro-Palestinian Camp at GWU

Dozens Detained as Police Dismantle Pro-Palestinian Camp at GWU

At George Washington University in Washington, D.C., a pro-Palestinian tent encampment was disbanded by police, leading to the arrest of dozens of protesters. The university had previously informed students that participating in the protest on University Yard was in violation of both university policies and city regulations. Officials also noted that students could face suspensions for their involvement. The action at GWU comes as protests, inspired by a movement that began at Columbia University, have been spreading across campuses in the U.S. and Europe. Since April 18, more than 2,600 individuals have been detained on 50 different campuses.

The response to the protests has varied, with some colleges allowing the tent encampments and others, like the University of Chicago, taking a stricter approach due to concerns over campus life disruptions, safety, and the participation of individuals who are not students. The clearing of the GWU encampment escalated to the point where protesters marched to the home of President Ellen Granberg.

This development is set against a backdrop of increasing scrutiny on how these protests are managed by local authorities. Mayor Muriel Bowser and MPD Chief Pamela Smith are scheduled to provide testimony on the district's handling of the protest at a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing. The tension between maintaining order and respecting the right to protest continues to be a point of contention in these situations.


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