Closing Arguments Underway in Jonathan Majors Domestic Assault Case

Closing Arguments Underway in Jonathan Majors Domestic Assault Case

In a high-profile legal battle, actor Jonathan Majors is facing misdemeanor charges of assault and harassment after an alleged domestic incident involving his ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari. The defense, led by attorney Priya Chaudhry, claims that Jabbari is responsible for fabricating the story and suggests she was the aggressor, pointing to an injury she allegedly inflicted on Majors during a confrontation inside his vehicle. Chaudhry also argues that Jabbari's allegations are an act of revenge aimed at damaging Majors' reputation.

On the other side, the prosecution led by Assistant D.A. Kelli Galaway, argues that the incident was not isolated but part of a larger pattern of control and abuse over the course of their 19-month relationship. Evidence presented includes a surveillance video showing an altercation in a black SUV on the day of the arrest and text messages allegedly showing Majors threatening suicide. Majors was arrested on March 25 after Jabbari was found unconscious in their apartment, which Majors himself reported to the authorities. Jabbari was later treated for minor injuries.

The trial has brought forth several witnesses and pieces of evidence, including new photos and surveillance footage. The defense rested its case after multiple testimonies. The outcome of the trial could have significant repercussions for Majors' acting career, which has already seen setbacks due to the charges, with the loss of management representation and roles in upcoming film projects and advertisements. Closing arguments are underway, with a verdict anticipated to arrive soon. If convicted, Majors could face up to a year in prison.
