Clark County Approves $80M Settlement for Red Rock Canyon Development

Clark County Approves $80M Settlement for Red Rock Canyon Development

Clark County commissioners have unanimously approved an $80 million settlement with Gypsum Resources, ending a nearly 20-year legal dispute over a proposed development on Blue Diamond Hill near Red Rock Canyon. The settlement includes the development of 3,500 homes and provisions for the county to acquire environmentally sensitive land in the conservation area for $1. The county aimed to avoid a potential $2 billion award against it and future liabilities related to the project.

The decision was met with concern from SEIU Local 1107 members, who argued that using funds from the county’s general fund could impact its ability to address a 20 percent vacancy rate. However, the funds for the settlement will come from the capital improvement fund, which is not eligible for employee salaries or positions. The settlement follows a District Court ruling that county officials had destroyed evidence related to the development. The agreement also involves the county potentially paying an additional $6 million if a grant from the Bureau of Land Management for the use of State Route 160 is not obtained.


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