Clarence Thomas Discloses Bali Trip and Other Travels Funded by GOP Donor

Clarence Thomas Discloses Bali Trip and Other Travels Funded by GOP Donor

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has formally disclosed a 2019 trip to Bali funded by GOP megadonor Harlan Crow, which was the subject of a ProPublica report last year. Thomas did not previously report this trip on his annual financial disclosures. The recent disclosure includes a note listing Harlan and Kathy Crow as the source of "food and lodging" for the trip, although Thomas did not provide a value for the travel expenses.

This disclosure comes amid ongoing scrutiny of the ethics of Supreme Court justices, particularly concerning private jet travel and luxury vacations funded by wealthy donors. Thomas has faced criticism for accepting such trips from Crow and previously did not disclose other trips, including a stay at Crow's private club in California. In response to these issues, the Supreme Court has recently updated its rules to require justices and judges to provide a "good faith" estimate of the fair market value of such trips when the exact value cannot be obtained.


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