Chris Cuomo Faces Backlash Over Ivermectin Comments

Chris Cuomo Faces Backlash Over Ivermectin Comments

During a live recording of the PBD Podcast, former CNN host Chris Cuomo faced significant backlash when a video clip was shown highlighting his previous comments on ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. Cuomo, who had been a vocal advocate for vaccines, was seen in the clip ridiculing those who used ivermectin, a drug also used for animals. The incident took place in the presence of host Patrick Bet-David and comedian Dave Smith, who challenged Cuomo on his past statements and accused him of hypocrisy.

The discussion escalated when a viral clip showed Cuomo commenting on Joe Rogan's use of ivermectin, which had led to public shaming. Smith questioned Cuomo's consistency and honesty, pointing to past remarks made by Cuomo and his CNN colleagues. The episode also touched on broader topics, including the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, alternative treatments, lockdowns, and mask mandates.

Cuomo defended himself by expressing his disapproval of the media's treatment of Rogan, despite his earlier ridicule of the use of ivermectin. Smith countered by presenting an old clip of Cuomo mocking Rogan, which led to further criticism of Cuomo's stance. The exchange included a debate on various pandemic-related policies and the media's role in shaping public opinion.

The event highlighted ongoing tensions over COVID-19 treatment narratives and media coverage, with Cuomo's past comments being scrutinized and challenged in a public forum.


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