ChatGPT's Daily Energy Use Equals 17,000 US Homes

ChatGPT's Daily Energy Use Equals 17,000 US Homes

OpenAI's ChatGPT, a chatbot platform, is reported to use over half a million kilowatt-hours of electricity daily to process around 200 million requests. This level of energy consumption is vastly greater than the average American household, which uses about 29 kilowatt-hours per day. Concerns are being raised over the environmental impact of AI as it becomes more integrated into various technologies and services.

The energy usage of AI technologies could further escalate if companies like Google incorporate generative AI into more of their services. Data scientist Alex de Vries has projected that Google's annual energy consumption could soar to around 29 billion kilowatt-hours, exceeding the energy use of some countries. The AI industry's energy consumption could increase significantly by 2027, with estimates suggesting it could reach between 85 to 134 terawatt-hours annually, accounting for up to 0.5% of global electricity consumption.

The growing demand for AI capabilities and the subsequent rise in energy consumption highlight the importance of addressing the environmental impact of these technologies. As the development of AI continues to advance, the industry faces challenges in managing its energy use and finding sustainable solutions.


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