Ben-Gvir Ignites Controversy Over Jewish Prayer at Temple Mount

Ben-Gvir Ignites Controversy Over Jewish Prayer at Temple Mount

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has made statements endorsing Jewish prayer at Jerusalem's Temple Mount, challenging the long-standing status quo that restricts non-Muslims from praying at the site. Ben-Gvir's comments, made during the "Israel’s Return to the Temple Mount" conference at the Knesset, have sparked significant controversy and criticism. Ultra-Orthodox rabbis and lawmakers, including Interior Minister Moshe Arbel and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, condemned the remarks, calling them a "desecration of God's name" and warning of potential regional unrest.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office responded by affirming that the status quo at the Temple Mount will not change, emphasizing that the arrangement, which allows Muslims to worship and non-Muslims to visit without praying, remains in place. Ben-Gvir's statements have raised concerns about exacerbating tensions between Israelis and Palestinians and potentially straining Israel's relations with the broader Muslim world. The controversy comes at a politically sensitive time, as Netanyahu is engaged in high-level discussions in the United States.


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