Bear 'Oreo' Invades Monrovia Homes Searching for Food

Bear 'Oreo' Invades Monrovia Homes Searching for Food

A black bear, nicknamed 'Oreo', has been spotted in Monrovia, California, engaging in activities such as raiding cars and homes for food. The bear has been seen in the area of Canyon Crest Drive, with notable incidents including stealing a package of Oreo cookies and a chocolate cake from a refrigerator. These sightings have been captured on video and have caused concern among residents.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has advised residents to secure garbage cans and keep yards clear of overgrown plants to minimize bear encounters. While 'Oreo' has not shown aggression, the presence of the bear is unsettling for locals. Some residents are considering contacting wildlife experts to discuss potential relocation. The City of Monrovia has issued a 'Bear Safety Guide' on its official website, advising people to keep food and trash secure and to lock doors and windows to prevent break-ins by bears.


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