Ancient Nile Branch Linked to Egypt Pyramids' Location

Ancient Nile Branch Linked to Egypt Pyramids' Location

A team of researchers from various institutions, including Tanta University in Egypt and the University of North Carolina Wilmington, have uncovered evidence suggesting that the ancient Egyptian pyramids, including the iconic Giza complex, were originally constructed along a now-lost branch of the Nile River, referred to as the "Ahramat" branch. The Ahramat branch, approximately 64 kilometers long, is believed to have provided a crucial transportation route for workers and materials during the construction of at least 31 pyramids.

The discovery was made using a combination of satellite imagery, geophysical surveys, sediment cores, and radar satellite data to detect subsurface features. These methods revealed river sediments and channels beneath the current landscape, indicating the presence of a former waterway. The existence of this branch may explain the pyramids' current location in what is now a narrow desert strip, which would have been inhospitable for such large-scale construction projects without a water source.

Furthermore, the study, published in Communications Earth & Environment, suggests that environmental changes, including a major drought around 4,200 years ago, may have led to the disappearance of the Ahramat branch. The findings highlight the Nile's dynamic hydrological network's historical significance and its role in the construction and location of Egypt's pyramids. The research also opens avenues for future archaeological exploration and efforts to protect Egypt's cultural heritage.


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