The Rock Expresses Regret Over 2020 Biden Endorsement, Declines Support for 2024

The Rock Expresses Regret Over 2020 Biden Endorsement, Declines Support for 2024

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, known for his career in both WWE and Hollywood, has expressed a change of stance regarding political endorsements. During an interview with FOX News, Johnson revealed that he regrets his 2020 endorsement of President Joe Biden and has decided not to endorse any candidate in the upcoming 2024 election. Johnson, who made his "first ever public presidential endorsement" for Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020, cited his current dissatisfaction with the state of the nation and a desire to avoid contributing to further divisiveness as reasons for his decision.

Johnson discussed his belief that the country can improve and emphasized his focus on unity rather than political partisanship. He also addressed the broader cultural context, critiquing what he perceives as "cancel culture" and "woke culture," which he believes have created a climate of division. Despite his previous endorsement, Johnson now plans to keep his political opinions private and trusts the American electorate to make their own voting decisions. This announcement was made ahead of a potential 2024 presidential rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump, during a period where voters have expressed concerns over various national issues such as the economy and inflation.


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