Alicia Silverstone Sparks Worry After Eating Potentially Poisonous Fruit

Alicia Silverstone Sparks Worry After Eating Potentially Poisonous Fruit

Actress Alicia Silverstone has sparked concern among her fans after posting a video online in which she appears to eat a potentially toxic plant. The video, filmed in London, shows Silverstone biting into a fruit she found while walking around the city. She mentioned that the fruit tasted like a pepper and did not resemble a tomato due to its leaves. Many viewers in the comment section speculated that the fruit could be a Jerusalem cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum), a member of the nightshade family known to be poisonous.

The Royal Horticultural Society and The Joy Of Plants website both indicate that the Jerusalem cherry's berries are harmful if ingested and should only be used for decorative purposes. Fans have expressed their concerns in the comment section, and as of now, Silverstone has not provided any updates on her condition or health following the incident. The video has garnered over 940,000 views, but the actress has remained silent on social media since posting it.


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